Pues con estos tres últimos volumenes acabamos esta extensa serie, que nos ha acompañado durante este verano y que no me imaginaba que tuviese tanta aceptación, aunque mirando atentamente el contenido no era para menos, han sido unoas ochocientas setenta canciones de lo mas variado, con predominio del garage USA, aunque con incursiones en otros países y estilos cercanos. Por otra parte, nadie ha aportado ninguna pista sobre esta colección, por lo que sigue en el misterio, además, he notado que hasta el volumen 11 sigue el orden alfabético hasta acabar el abecedario, pero del 12 al 14, vuelve a una especie de segunda vuelta también en orden alfabético, pero empezando con la letra "Q", lo que hace suponer que hubiese unos cuantos volúmenes mas.
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band |
Otra cosa que me ha llamado mucho la atención es que la serie se centra en la década de los sesenta, con una excepción, la banda francesa "Vietnam Veterans", sin duda mi banda favorita de ese país, que en la década de los ochenta nos regaló un buen puñado de Lp´s y además todos buenos, de eso que se llamaba entonces "nueva sicodelia". Además, para la ocasión nos presenta uno de sus mejores temas "I Give You My Life", que podéis escuchar en los reproductores de abajo.
Por cierto, publiqué en mi blog paralelo "Spanish Blogs Dream Team" varios de sus discos, que yo creo que por lo menos merecen una audición.
Vietnam Veterans |
Nada mas, aquí tenéis un buen tocho de música bastante variada, combinando los grandes clásicos con temas bastante desconocidos, pero donde se nota una meticulosa selección, aderezada con información sobre el sello discográfico, la localización y el año, cosa que es muy de agradecer, y que ya he comentado, que aunque a priori parezca fácil, no lo es tanto pues siempre se te encasquillan canciones que tardas un buen rato en completar esa información, si es que se consigue.
Ahí va el track list, otro de esos de quitar el hipo:
Vol 11
Vejtables - Hide Yourself (Version) (Unreleased) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Velvet Haze - Last Day On Earth (Wilson 2) USA (More info welcome)
Velvet Illusions - Acid Head (Tell 700 and Metro Media 307) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
Velvet Illusions - Velvet Illusions (Metro Media 309) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
Velvet Underground - After Hours (Verve 4617) New York, NY. 1969
Velvet Underground - Femme Fatale (Verve 10466) NY, NY. 1967
Venetian Blinds - Quit Your Belly Achin' Baby (Grudge 1651) San Antonio, Tx. 1966
Venus Flytrap - The Note (Jaguar 103 and Miji 3005) Redwood City, Cal. 1967
Very Ations - She Can't Be One (Rink 541) Alabama 1966
Vidrios Quebrados - Fictions (RCA 2534) Chili 1967
Vietnam Veterans - I Give You My Life (Music Maniac 66005) Chalon, France 1985
Vigilantes - Notice Me (JCP 1010) Apex, N.Car. 1967
Village Outcast - Under The Thumb (Echo Records) Dover, Delaware 1966
Village S.T.O.P - North Country (Ruby 56195) Hamilton, Ont. Canada 1968
Village S.T.O.P - Vibration (Ruby 56195) Hamilton, Ont. Canada 1968
Village STOP - Toredown (Unreleased live Demo) Hamilton, Ontario Canada 1968
Visions - She's The Girl For Me (Vimco 20) Mineral Wells, Tx. 1965
Vita - Men - Frog Legs (Label Unknown) More info welcome
Voyagers - Away (Feature 3703) Wisconsin, USA 1966
W.C. Fields Memorial Electric String Band - I'm Not Your Steppin' Stone (Mercury 72578) Los Angel
Wailers - Christmas Spirit (Etiquette 022) Tacoma, Wash. 1965
Wanderer's Rest - The Boat That I Row (Night Owl 6771) Milwaukee, Wisc. 1967
Wanted - East Side Story (Detroit Sound 232) Detroit, Mich. 1967
Warlocks - I Know You Rider (Unreleased) San Francisco, Cal. 1965 (Pre Grateful Dead)
Warlocks - Mindbender (Confusion's Prince) (Unreleased) San Francisco, Cal. 1965 (Pre-Grateful De
Warlords - Real Fine Lady (Thor 0759) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Warner Brothers - Dirty Ernie (Unreleased Dunwich Recording) Peoria, Ill. 1966 (Sorry for the awf
Warner Brothers - Lonely I (Dunwich 131) Peoria, Ill. 1966
We The People - When I Arrive (RCA 9498) Orlando, Fla 1968
West Coast Branch - Linda's Gone (Valiant 753) Cal. 1966
West Coast Pop Art Exp. Band - Eighteen Over The Hill (Reprise 6298) Hollywood, Cal. 1968
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Buddha (Reprise 6270) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Delicate Fawn (Reprise 6270) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - High Coin (Reprise 6247) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - I Won't Hurt You (Reprise 6247) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Queen Nymphet (Reprise 6270) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Shifting Sands (Reprise 6247) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Unfree Child (Reprise 6270) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
West Minist'r - Bright Lights Windy City (Razzberry 2975) Omaha, Nebr. 1969
Wet Paint - We Call Him A Man (FR 200) Chicago, Ill. 1967
What Four - Do You Believe (Box 4000) USA 1965 (More info welcome)
What's Left - Girl Said No (Capri 520) Tx. 1968 (More info welcome)
Whazoos - Inside Of Me (National 611) Wilkes Barre, Pa. 1967
Wheels - Ramble Boy (Unreleased Demo) Belfast, Ireland 1969
White Knights - Run Run Baby (Gaiety 117) Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada 1966
White Lightning - William (Atco 6660) Minn. (Litter)
Who - A Legal Matter (Brunswick 05956) UK. 1965
Wild Cherries - Baby, Baby (Shoestring 112) Hampton, Virginia 1966
Wild Knights - Beaver Patrol (Star-Bright 3051 and Modern 1014) Seattle, Wash. 1965
Wild Things - Just Once In My Life (Version 1 Unreleased Demo) Newcastle, Ind. 1966
Wilde Knights - Beaver Patrol (Star-Bright 3051 and Modern 1014) Seattle, Wash. 1965
Wildweeds - And When She Smiles (Vanguard 35107) Windsor, Conn. 1968
Wildwood - Plastic People (Magnum 420) Stockton, Cal. 1968
William Penn Fyve - Blow My Mind (Thunderbird 502) San Mateo, Cal. 1966
Wilshire Express - Lose Your Money (Austin 322) Dallas, Tx. 1966
Wilson McKinley - Spirit Of Elijah (Voice Of Elijah 27977) Spokane, Washington 1972
Wind - Don't Take Your Love Away (Blacknight 900) Dallas, Tx. 1966
Wire - On Returning (Harvest 4105) UK. 1979
Wire - The Other Window (Harvest 4105) UK. 1979
X cellents - Little Wooden House (Sure Play 1206 45 0003) Dayton, Ohio 1966
XL's - I Need A Ride (MMC 015) Iowa, USA 1968
Y'Alls - Please Come Back (Ruff 1016) Amarillo, Tx. 1966
Yankee Dollar - Sanctuary (Dot 25874) San Luis Obispo, Cal. 1968
Yardbirds - Over Under Sideways Down (Columbia 7928) UK. 1966
Yesterday's Children - Feelings (Showcase 9812) NY, USA 1966
Yo Yo's - Gotta Find A New Love (Goldwax 310) Memphis, Tenn. USA 1966
Yorks - Pronto Un Doctor (Mag Records) Peru 1967
Yorkshire Puddin' - Good Night Day (Dellwood 3932) Hackensack, NJ. 1967
Young Monkey Men - I Love You (P&M 3649) Trenton, N.J. 1967
Youngbloods - Qui Noi, Tra Di Noi (RCA 1587) New York, N.Y. 1967 (Sung in Italian)
Zakary Thaks - Face To Face (J Beck 1009) Corpus Christi, Tx. 1967
Zipps - Marie Juana (Relax 45024) Dordrecht, Holland 1967
Zombies - It's Alright With Me (Parrot 71001) Hertsfortshire, UK. 1965
Zoo - Sometimes (PKC 1013) Milwaukee, Wisc. 1967
Zoofs - Not So Near (Deesu 310) Cal. 1967
Zoofs - Not So Near (Deesu 310) USA (More info welcome)
Vietnam Veterans - I Give You My Life (Music Maniac 66005) Chalon, France 1985
Vol 12
Q65 - Ann (Decca 6454409) The Hague, Holland 1968
Quarrymen - Don't Try Your Luck (Sara 6624) Dubuque, Iowa 1966
Question Mark and The Mysterians - I Need Somebody (Parkway 441) Corpus Christi, Tx. 1966
Question Mark and The Mysterians - You're Telling Me Lies (Parkway 2004) Corpus Christi, Tx. 1966
Quests - I'm Tempted (Fenton 2086) Mich. USA 1966
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Gold And Silver (Capitol 2904) San Francisco, Cal. 1968
Quicksilver Messenger Service - Stand By Me (Capitol 2320) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Quid - Crazy Things (Eagle 116) Winnipeg, Canada 1966
Quiet Jungle - Everything (Yorkville 45002) Toronto, Ont. Canada 1967
Quirks - Hey Girl (Unreleased) Rochester, N.Y. 1966
Rahgoos - Do The Rahgoo (Sanders Recording Acetate) Greenwood Lake, N.Y. 1966 (Pre Gandalf)
Raik's Progress - Sewer Rat Love Chant (Liberty 55930) San Francisco, Cal. 1966 (Pre-Tonio K)
Rainbow Press - Step Aboard (Mr G 9003) USA 1968
Randy Luck - I Was A Teenage Caveman (Art 170) Miami, Florida 1958
Rare Breed - I Talk To The Sun (Cool As A Moose 3250) Gainesville, Fla. 1965
Ravin' Blue - It's Not Real (Monument 968) Nashville, Tenn. 1966
Ravins - Andy (Syndicate 1028) Urbana, Ill. 1967
Ray Brown And The Whispers - Go To Him (Leedon 1028) Sydney, Australia 1965
Ray Columbus and The Art Collection - Kick Me (Colstar 1001) San Mateo, Cal. USA - New Zealand 19
Rear Exit - Excitation (MTA 132) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Rear Exit - Miles Beyond (MTA 132) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Reason Why - Johnny Come Home (Cha Cha 780) Chicago, Ill. 1967
Red Crayola - Hurricane Fighter Plane (Unreleased Demo Version) Houston, Tx. 1967
Rejects - All Of My Life (Cabell 107) Virginia 1967
Rejects - Just A Little Bit Of You (Cabell 107) Virg. 1966
Remaining Few - Painted Air (Askel 112) San Angelo, Tx. 1967
Remains - Ain't That Her (Unreleased Rehearsal) Boston, Mass. 1966
Remains - All Good Things (Unreleased Rehearsal) Boston, Mass. 1966
Remains - Heart (Epic 24214) Boston, Mass. 1967
Remains - I Can't Get Away From You (Epic 24214) Boston, Mass. 1967
Remains - Why Do I Cry (Unreleased Rehearsal) Boston, Mass. 1966
Remains - You Got A Hard Time Coming (Epic 24214) Boston, Mass. 1967
Renegades - She's Your Find (Cambridge 121103) Grand Rapids, Mich. 1966
Restless Feelin's - A Million Things (United Artists 50053) 1966
Retreds - Black Mona Lisa (R&T 6601) Acton, Mass. 1966
Rick Lane & The People - Love Me Baby (Rick 801) Mamou, La. 1966
Riptides - Last Wave Of The Day (Tower 5083) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
Rising Storm - I'm Coming Home (Remnant) Andover, Mass. 1967
Rising Suns - I'm Blue (Unreleased) Fort Worth, Tx. 1966
Ro - D-Ys - Nothing To Change A Mind (Philips 33385) Oude Pekela, Holland 1967
Road Runners - I'll Make It Up To You (Reprise 0418 and Miramar 116) Fresno, Cal. 1965
Road Runners - Little Miss Love (Unreleased) Fresno, Cal. 1966
Roamin' Togas - You Must Believe Me (Lightning 101) Lafayette, La. 1967
Rob Hoeke Rhythm And Blues Group - Drinking On My Bed (Philips 333956) Holland 1966
Robots - Judi (Polydor 3211) Neu Ulm, Germany 1966
Rockets - Mr. Chips (White Whale 7116) Cal. USA 1968
Rockets - Pills Blues (White Whale 7116) Cal. USA 1968
Rockin' Ramrods - Mr. Wind (Plymouth 2963) Boston, Mass. 1966
Rod & The Satalites - She Cares (Irish 4336) Quincy, Ill. 1964
Rogues - Don't Follow Me (Compass 1857) Mercersberg, Pa. 1966
Rogues - How Many Times (Lyn Lou 1126) Memphis, Tenn. 1967
Rogues - It's The Same All Over The World (Peyton 1001) New England 1966
Rogues - Put You Down (MBM 2002) Lafayette, La. 1966
Rolling Beats - Don't Ask Me Why (Beat 1004) Holland 1966
Ron And The Starfires - Solitary Man (Bee Jay Video Sampler Vol.1) Tener 1014, Florida, USA 1968
Rooks - A Girl Like You (Mercury 72644) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Rooks - Empty Heart (Mercury 72644) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Roots - It's Been A Long Journey (Brownfield 22) Dallas, Tx. 1966
Rouges - Next Guy (Waverley 109) Watertown, Mass. 1966
Rising Storm |
Rear Exit - Excitation (MTA 132) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Vol 13
Roughnecks - You're Driving Me Insane (Spectrum 187) NY 1966 (Pre Velvet Underground)
Roy Sorensen Group - If You Could Read Me (Cold West 78) Grand Rapids, Mich. 1970
Royal Aircoach - Wondering Why (Flying Machine 8868) Boston, Mass. 1968
Royal Knights - I Wanna Know (Nite 1005) Arlington, Tx. 1965
RPM's - White Lightnin' (PBD 102 or Ambassador 214) Newark, N.J. 1965
Run - A-Rounds - I Couldn't Care Less (Manel 100) Owosso, Mich. 1966
Run A Rounds - I Couldn't Care Less (Manel 100) Owosso, Mich. 1966
Rysing Suns - A Third Hour On Forty Eleven St. (Dome No #) Baltimore, Md. 1966
S.J. And The Crossroads - Funny Woman (Unreleased) Beaumont, Tx. 1966
S.J. And The Crossroads - London Girl (Unreleased) Beaumont, Tx. 1966
Sagittarius - Glass (Columbia 9644) NY, NY 1968
Sagittarius - Would You Like To Go (Columbia 9644) NY, NY 1968
Saint Steven - Ay Aye Poe Day (ABC 4506) Mass. 1969
Saint Steven - Sun In The Flame (ABC 4506) Mass. 1969
Saint Steven - Voyage To Cleveland (ABC 4506) Mass. 1969
Salvation - Think Twice (ABC 623) San Francisco, Cal. 1968
Sanshers - Gonna Git That Man (Kweek No#) Ohio, USA 1965
Sants - Leaving You Baby (Format 118) Paris, Tennessee 1966
Sanz, Incorporated - I Just Want You (Skoop 1072) Indiana, USA 1967
Satan's Chyldren - Don't Go (Unreleased) Houston, Tx. 1966
Satisfied Minds - I Can't Take It (Plato 80284) St.Albans, West Virg. 1968
Saturday's Children - Man With Money (Happy Tiger 1017) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Saturday's Garbage - The River Of Styx (Creative Production Acetate) Bloomfield, N.J. 1967
Savages - Little Miss Sad (National 2002) Tampa, Fla. 1965
Savages - Make It Last (Spiral Record Corp.1000) New Rochelle, N.Y. 1965
Savages - The World Ain't Round, It's Square (Duane 1054) Bermuda 1966
Sean Buckley and The Breadcrumbs - Everybody Knows (Stateside 421) UK. 1965
Seasons - We Are Happy (Microfon 100) Argentina 1966
Seeds - A Faded Picture (A Web Of Sound) GNP 2033) Cal
Seeds - Love In A Summer Basket (MGM 14190) Los Angeles, Cal. 1971
Seeds - Tripmaker (A Web Of Sound) (GNP 2033) Cal
Sentarians - Don't Go (Jadt 1001) USA - More info welcome
Seompi - Summer's Coming On Heavy (Blackstar 101) Texas, USA. 1970
Serpent Power - Dope Again (Vanguard 79252) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Serpent Power - Flying Away (Vanguard 79252) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Sevens - Begging Me To Stay (Unreleased Acetate) Switzerland 1966
Sevens - I Can't Understand (Unreleased Acetate) Basel, Switzerland 1965
Sevens - It's All Over Tonight (Unreleased Acetate) Switzerland 1966
Sevens - My Mother (Layola 17221) Basel, Switzerland 1966
Shades Of Blue - You Must Believe Me (Shades 1030) Danville, Ill. 1967
Shades Of Darkness - She Ain't Worth All That (Shades 71031) Fredonia, N.Y. 1967
Shadows Of Knight - Bad Little Woman (Dunwich 667) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Shadows Of Knight - Gloria '69 (Atco 6634) Chicago, Ill. 1969
Shadows Of Knight - Uncle Wiggly's Airship (Unreleased) Chicago, Ill. 1967
Shaggs - Philosophy Of The World (Third World 3001) Fremont, New Hampshire 1972
Shaggs - Ring Around The Rosie (Palmer 5010) Miami, Fla. 1966
Shags - Hey Little Girl (Taurus 1881) Connecticut, USA 1966
Shags - It Hurts Me Bad (Nutta 101) New Haven, Conn. 1965
Shamrocks - What's All This (Ariola 72151) England 1965
Shandells - Chimes (Bridge Society 112) Middletown, Pa. 1966
Shandells - Please Stay (Showcase 404) Long Island, NY. 1965
Shandells, Inc - Just Cry (Woodrich 1265) Huntington, Ala. 1967
Shandells, Inc - Say What I Mean (Woodrich 1265) Huntington, Ala. 1967
s - Solitary Man (Bee Jay Video Sampler Vol.1) Tener 1014, Florida, USA 1968
Rooks - A Girl Like You (Mercury 72644) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Rooks - Empty Heart (Mercury 72644) Chicago, Ill. 1966
Roots - It's Been A Long Journey (Brownfield 22) Dallas, Tx. 1966
Rouges - Next Guy (Waverley 109) Watertown, Mass. 1966
Run - A-Rounds - I Couldn't Care Less (Manel 100) Owosso, Mich. 1966
Vol 14
Shane - Don't Turn Me Off (Brent 7047) California, USA 1965
Shaprels - Dare I Weep, Dare I Mourn (Chess 1993) Milwaukee, Wisc. 1967
Shaprels - Desert Maiden (Tee Pee 39) Milwaukee, Wisc. 1967
Shawkey Se'au & The Muffins - Just One More Time (Planet 59) R.I. 1966
Shays - Want You I Don't (Roman 1104) Toronto, Ontario Canada 1966
Shillings - Cry (unreleased) Allentown, Pennsylvania, USA 1966
Shillings - Forgive Me My Love (Dayton Band Co. 0808) Oh. 1967
Shoremen - She's Bad (Wynwood 1956) Rockdale, Maryland 1965
Shouters - Too Much Monkey Business (Eurocord 997) Germany 1965
Shy Guys - Black Lightning Light (M U No#) Sanford, Fla. 1968
Shyres - Where Is Love (Cori 31011) Boston, Mass. 1967
Sidewinders - Charley Aikens (Look 5003) Albuquerque, N.M. 1967
Silver Apples - Lovefingers (Kapp 3562) NY, NY 1968
Sinners - Going Out Of My Mind (Mercury 72453) Cal. 1965
Sinners - Nice Try (Rusticana 1243) Montreal, Quebec Canada 1966
Sinners - Sinerisme (Rusticana 1243) Montreal, Quebec Canada 1966
Sir Frog And The Toads - The Frog (Downey 131) Las Vegas, Nevada 1966
Sires - Come To Me Baby (Graves 1094) Eugene, Or. 1966
Six Deep - Girl It's Over (De Lynn 101) USA (More info welcome)
Skeptics - Turn It On (Sho Boat 106) Bartlesville, Okla. 1967
Snobs - Heartbreak Hotel (info required) London, UK 1966 (Released in Sweden)
Solid Ground - Sad Now (Apro 1) Arizona, USA 1966
Something Else - Let Me Say Now Love (Gama 707) Wash.DC, Md. 1967
Sonics - Cinderella (Etiquette 23) Tacoma, Wash. 1966
Sonics - High Time (Panorama 108) Tacoma, Wash. 1966
Sonics - I'm A Man (Jerden 7007) Tacoma, Wash. 1967
Sons Of Adam - Tomorrow's Gonna Be Another Day (Decca 31887) Los Angeles, Cal. 1966
Sons Of Fred - She Only Wants A Friend (Parlophone 5391) Yarmouth, UK. 1965
Soothsayers - Please Don't Be Mad (Acropolis 6612) Ks. 1966
Soul Survivors - Can't Stand To Be In Love With You (Dot 16793) Denver, Col. 1965
Sound Barrier - Greasy Heart (United Audio 90411) Salem, Ohio 1969
Sounds Unlimited - Cool One (Swal Records) South East, USA (More info welcome)
Sounds Unlimited - Keeps Your Hand Off Of It (Solar 101) Dallas, Tx. 1965
Soup Greens - Like-A-Rolling Stone (Golden Rule 5000) Brooklyn, N.Y. 1965
Southern Gentlemen - Leave Myself To Me (Festival 1122) Australia 1965
Spades - We Sell Soul (Zero 10002) Austin, Tx. 1965
Sparkles - Hipsville 29 B.C. (Hickory 1474) Levelland, Tx. 1967
Sparkles - I Want To Be Free (Hickory 1474) Levelland, Tx. 1967
Spats - Bottom Of It All (Jano 1549) Garden Grove, Cal. 1966
Speeds - I'll Go Crazy (Felicity 101) Texarkana, Tx. 1966 (Don Henley Pre Eagles)
Spider And The Mustangs - So Long Child (Sands 10662) Hemet, Cal. 1966
Spiders - Ozewiezewoze (Fontana 278043) Holland 1964
Spiders - Zet Die TV Af (Philips 319609) Eindhoven, Holland 1964
Spinning Wheels - Shame Shame Shame (HMV 4708) Melbourne, Australia 1965
Spirit - New Dope In Town (Ode 257 122) Los Angeles, Cal. 1969
Split Ends - Rich With Nothing (CFP4) Fla
Sparkles - Hipsville 29 B.C. (Hickory 1474) Levelland, Tx. 1967
Vol 15
Floyd Dakil Combo - Dance Franny Dance
Squiremen - Who In The World (Trip 110) Miami, Fla. 1969
Squires - Go Ahead (Atco 6442) Bristol, Conn. 1966
Squires - It's The Same All Over The World (Unreleased) Bristol, Conn. 1966
Staccatos - Girl (Syncro Records) Ottawa, Ont. Canada 1966
Staff - Colors (Unreleased) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Staff - Napoleon (Unreleased) San Francisco, Cal. 1967
Stained Glass - I Sing You Sing (Capitol 154) San Jose, Cal. 1969
Standells - Let's Go (Pla Me 9713) USA 1966 (More info welcome)
Standells - Riot On Sunset Strip (Tower 5098) Los Angeles, Cal. 1967
Starlites - I Can't See You (Bar Clay 17134) Reading, Pa. 1965
Sterling Damon - Rejected (International Artists 108) Houston, Tx. 1966
Steve Akin - I'm Trippin' Alone (Ash 2002) Houston, Tx. 1970
Steve Cannings & The Matadors - Hate Everything Except Of Hatter (TM 20176) Czechia 1967
Steve Miller Band - Dime A Dance Romance (Capitol 2984) San Francisco, Cal. 1968
Stix and Stonz - Bad News (Pat 100) Miami, Fla. 196-
Stoics - Hate (Brams 101) San Antonio, Tx. 1967
Stone Country - Everywhere I Turn (RCA 3958) Hollywood, Cal. 1968
Stonefield - Morning Hours (Luck 6158) London, Ontario Canada 1968
Stooges - 1969 (Elektra 74051) Ann Arbor, Mich. 1969
Stooges - No Fun (Elektra 74051) Ann Arbor, Mich. 1969
Story Tellers - Cry With Me (Trystero 101) New Jersey, USA 1967
Strawberry Alarm Clock - Incense And Peppermints (UNI 73014) Glendale, Cal. 1967
Strawberry Alarm Clock - They Saw The Fat One Coming (UNI 73025) Glendale, Cal. 1968
Strawberry Sac - In Relation (All-American 2233) Glendale, Cal. 1967 (Pre Strawberry Alarm Clock)
Strawberry Sac - Merry Go Round (All-American 2233) Glendale, Cal. 1967 (Pre-Strawberry Alarm Clo
Stumbling Blox - It's Alright (Acetate No #) Abilene, Tx. 1966
Stychentimes - I Don't Mind It (Rokett 1007) Santa Monica, Cal. 1966
Sultan Five - You Know You Know (Enterprise 812E 1066) Racine, Wisc. 1966
Sunrisers - I Saw Her Yesterday (Patty 101) Little Neck, NY 1966
Sunsets - I Want Love (Festival 1797) Newcastle, Australia 1967
Superfine Dandelion - What's The Hurry (Mainstream 6102) Phoenix, Az. 1967
Swamprats - I'm Going Home (Unreleased) McKeesport, Pa. 1966
Swamprats - She's Got Everything (Unreleased) McKeesport, Pa. 1966
Swamprats - Till The End Of The Day (Unreleased) McKeesport, Pa. 1966
Swingin' Yo Yo's - Do Something (Jubilee 5569) Memphis, Tenn. 1967
Syd Barrett - Lucy Leave (Unreleased Acetate) London, England 1965
Syndicate - My Baby's Barefoot (Dot 743) Los Angeles, Cal. 1965
Stoics - Hate (Brams 101) San Antonio, Tx. 1967
Otra estupenda colección, que sin duda os mantendrá ocupados durante varios días, pero valdrá la pena.
La semana que viene... ¡Tommentón!
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