miércoles, 27 de julio de 2022

Tommentón En La Cuadra Vol. 160

Pues vamos con otro Tommentón, creo bastante variado, y con la particularidad que he rescatado unas cuantas canciones que creía ya estaban publicadas, por obvias, pero que al repasar he visto que no, la mayoría de ellas de bandas bastante conocidas. Pues vamos ya con el repaso-express, y preparaos que empieza de forma frenética, pero bueno, tranquilos que luego suaviza la cosa.
Y para ponernos las pilas desde el primer momento, nada mejor que con un par de bandas del Northwest,
"Bootmen" y "The Wailers", además de la misma ciudad, Tacoma, Los primeros con este instrumental que es como un certificado de autenticidad del sonido Northwest, inconfundible, esta "1, 2, 3, 4" de su single de debut de 1964 y de los otros, que decir, de los padres del sonido. Esta frenética "Dirty Robber" estaba en uno de sus muchos singles, y fue publicada en 1965, en una onda muy rockandrrolera.
Los "Galaxies", los de Texas, solo sacarían este sencillo en 1964, con esta divertida "Gitchy-Gitchy-Goo", en directo, supongo, aunque en ese año ya sabéis que muchas canciones eran en estudio y luego le agregaban el sonido de fondo del público. La banda años después tuvo su reconocimiento, apareciendo un par de discos recopilatorios con hasta treinta canciones.
Los británicos
"Rocking Vicars" debutaron también en 1964, con está bailonguera "I Go Ape", la banda es conocida por ser la primera banda de "Lemmy" (Motörhead) y en varios sitios se menciona su presencia en este tema, aunque miembros originales de la banda lo desmienten.
¡Ostras, unos franceses!, y es que realmente han aparecido en esta serie muy pocas veces, pero esta "Twist À Saint Tropez" a cargo de "Les Chats Sauvages & Dick Rivers" ya es un tema histórico del Twist, y me ha sorprendido la cantidad de cantantes y conjuntos españoles que la versionéan, entre ellos nuestro ídolo de la época "Mike Rios". Apareció en 1962 y ya tuvimos ocasión de escucharla en los "60 French Nuggets" de nuestro ami Racati (Ya tengo medio punto).
Seguimos con una interesantísima banda neerlandesa, "Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group", que en 1966 sacaron este fantástico "Margio". La banda sacaría un buen puñado de singles e incluso grabaron un par de Lp´s. Creo que pronto habrá que hablar mas extensamente de este combo.
Y para que no decaiga la fiesta, tenemos el excitante beat de "Blue Rondos" y su gran "Baby I Go For You" también de 1964, primero de sus dos singles y con la inestimable ayuda del gran Joe Meek.
Seguimos con los afamados
"West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band" y esta perla folk-rock titulada "Here's Where You Belong" y contenida en su gran disco de 1967 "Part One", personalmente es de los temas que mas me gusta de esta legendaria banda.
¿Cómo es posible que nunca haya puesto esta maravilla?, "This Is What I Was Made For", una de mis canciones favoritas de "P.F. Sloan", interpretada por "The Grass Roots", y que apareció en un sencillo en 1966, al igual que esta fantástica "Me For Me" de "Nightcrawlers" que aparecía en su único Lp ""The Little Black Egg" 1967, para mí uno de los mejores Lps de la década, con ese sonido folk-rock que tenían y su inconfundible sello personal, de mis temas favoritos de este volumen.
Y en una onda muy similar, tenemos a "The Unknown", rarísima banda con este no menos raro disco, que creo que solo estaba en acetato grabado en 1966 por esta banda de Saint Louis, Missouri, y que la gente de "Moxie" sacaron posteriormente en vinilo, aunque no se exactamente cuando. De todas formas el tema es de los buenos, buenos.
Y en plan moody tenemos a "The 5 P. M.", una banda ya conocida por estos lares y que solo sacó este sencillo en 1968, la otra cara la oímos hace poco, bastante mas animada; banda de Massachusetts.
Volvemos a coger revoluciones con esta magnífica "Midnight Train" a cargo de
"The Shamrocks", la banda originaria de la mítica "Isla de Wight" y que sacarían un Lp y dos singles, este es el segundo de 1967, con esa harmónica tan típica de las bandas americanas.
Seguimos con una de las bandas mas aclamadas de Kentucky, "New Lime", banda que estuvo diez años en activo y grabaron un buen puñado de singles, este es el quinto de 1967, clásico sonido garagero, con pocas florituras pero muy efectivo.
Seguimos con una banda de culto, los californianos "Kak" que en 1968 sacarían su Lp que se cerraba con esta "Lemonaide Kid" muy en la onda de lo que arrasaba por San Francisco y alrededores, y que ya es todo un clásico.
Y seguimos con "The Trolley", otra banda del Northwest, aunque en esta ocasión totalmente apartada de los típicos sonidos de la zona, esta "Breakdown" estaba en su único disco de 1967, buena mezcla de garage con sicodelia.
Cruzamos el charco, y otros que se me habían pasado, los
"Yardbirds" y una de sus canciones sicodélicas favoritas "Shapes Of Things" de uno de sus muchos singles, este salió en 1966, en plena efervescencia de estos sonidos en Gran Bretaña.
Y seguimos en onda sicodélica con "Honeybus", una banda que va apareciendo por aquí de vez en cuando gracias a que tienen un buen puñado de buenas canciones como esta "Under The Silent Tree", que creo que la primera vez que apareció fue en en su álbum "Story" de 1970, y tema obligatorio de todas las recopilaciones de sicodelia británica, otra que ya pensaba que la había puesto.
Y acabamos con "Boudewijn De Groot" cantoautor neerlandés, que en 1967 sacaría este tremendo sencillo, que contenía esta Pop-sike perla titulada "Het Land Van Maas En Waal" en una cara y en la otra "Testament", quizás su mejor canción, ambas estaban en su magistral album "Voor De Overlevenden" y que la tendremos próximamente en otro volumen. Pero para los que no puedan esperar, está en el "More Dutch Nuggets".

Pues nada mas, os dejo la lista de canciones.

1 - The Bootmen - 1, 2, 3, 4  
2 - Wailers - Dirty Robber  
3 - Galaxies - Gitchy-Gitchy-Goo  
4 - Rocking Vicars - I Go Ape  
5 - Les Chats Sauvages & Dick Rivers - Twist À Saint Tropez  
6 - Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group - Margio  
7 - Blue Rondos - Baby I Go For You  
8 - The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band - Here's Where You Belong  
9 - The Grass Roots - This Is What I Was Made For  
10 - The Nightcrawlers - Me For Me  
11 - The Unknown - Look For Me Babe  
12 - The Bondsmen - No Longer Mine  
13 - The 5 P.M. - Auburn Red  
14 - The Shamrocks - Midnight Train  
15 - New Lime - Ain't Got No Soul  
16 - Kak - Lemonaide Kid  
17 - Trolley - Breakdown  
18 - The Yardbirds - Shapes Of Things  
19 - Honeybus - Under The Silent Tree  
20 - Boudewijn De Groot - Het Land Van Maas En Waal  
21 - Despedida 

Las tres canciones, llevo varios días sin acabar de decidirme, pero bueno, ahora ya a bote pronto: 

Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group - Margio 
The Nightcrawlers - Me For Me
Boudewijn De Groot - Het Land Van Maas En Waal 

Pues acabamos, espero os guste, yo desde luego me lo he pasado bomba con este volumen, aunque esto es cosa fácil, pues lo hago a mi gusto.
La semana próxima, tenemos "tocho" del Joe Meek.

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miércoles, 20 de julio de 2022

V.A. 60's Garage Rock Jewels, Colección Completa (36 Vols). Parte 3ª, Vols. 19 - 27 Compilado por Brayan Rangel


Pues vamos ya con la tercera parte de esta extensa colección que nos presenta nuestro buen amigo Brayan Rangel, que son lo que publicó en su canal de YouTube el año pasado. Ya he dicho en las anteriores partes que la colección es muy homogénea y que hay pocas sorpresas según avanza la serie. Nuevamente tenemos otros espléndidos volúmenes, pero bueno, como ya es habitual, Brayan nos hará una pequeña presentación:

Hola amigos
Es un gusto saludarlos nuevamente en este fantástico blog y vengo este mes con la tercera parte de Garage Rock Jewels, Vols. 19 a 27, en esta ocasión con 5 entregas de garaje rock americano, 2 de moody garaje y 2 de beat europeo, y como siempre espero que sea de su agrado esta nueva entrega.
Comenzamos con el volumen 19, con buen garage rock americano, algunas rarezas y algunos buenos singles. Destaco a "The Tasmanians" con Love, Love, Love, compilado previamente en Garage Greats; o "The Headstones" con Wish She Were Mine que en parte me recuerda a Think de The Rolling Stones; Shade's Of Blue de "The Werp's" que por curiosidad, en YouTube se discute la velocidad correcta de dicho single ya que tanto como lento como acelerado no suenan mal; y la sicodelica Smell Of Incense de "The Abstracts" y no podía faltar algunos acetatos no tan conocidos.
El volumen 20 y 25 vienen con 2 entregas de Moody Garage 2 buenas entregas para mi gusto personal. Buenos singles emncontramos aquí, como Time Remains de "The Nomads", muy conocido y compilado en varias compilaciones; la bastante corta pero interesante You Would Say To Me de "The Hayze", previamente escuchado en g5 unwaxed; I have thoughts of you de "Neal Ford and The Fanatics", no podía faltar esta gran agrupación; destaco principalmente  "The Female Species" con Tale Of My Lost Love, recomiendo escuchar a esta agrupación. El volumen 25  es un tanto mas oscuro pero no pierde su escencia, esta la primitiva "The Taboos" - So Sad con mucho eco; "The Avlons" - Mad Man's Fate que tiene un estilo mas soul que garage; o la conocida de "Brym-Stonz Ltd." – Times Gone By.
En el volumen 21 encontramos la mil veces versionada Ain't Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore versionada por "The Chains" o el acetato de "Shades Of Grey" Louie, Go Home, aunque la calidad de sonido es muy baja y es bastante cruda; otra banda de mis favoritas aunque muy poco conocida es "The Wild Cherries" (no confundir con la agrupación australiana) con Baby Baby o la primitiva de "The Children" – I Long To See Her de 1968, y la salvaje de "The Electras" – I'm Not Talkin, SALVAJADA TOTAL!!
En el volumen 22 tenemos buenos singles como el de "Johnny Colgan & the Beau Havens" con Feel So Good, previamente escuchado en Garage Punk Unknowns; o The "You Know Who" Group! – My Love (Roses Are Red) también versionada por The Savages; también destaco la frenética I need you there de "The  Chessmen"; o I Wanna Talk To you de  de "Michael And The Medallions", un estilo mas Garage folk; y esta buena versión de Don't Look Back por "The Bojax"
El volumen 23 y 24 nos centramos en el beat Europeo una vez mas, buenas canciones que destacar aquí, como That's When Happiness Began de "The Montanas"; la segunda versión de Keep Smiling de la banda holandesa "Names and Faces"; I Keep Tryin' al puro estilo freakbeat por  "The Jay-Jays"; por parte de España tenemos a "Shelly y Nueva Generación" con Vestido Azul, puro estilo mod, y "Los Polares" con La Droga; Republica Checa no se queda atrás y tenemos a "Hana Ulrychová & Atlantis" con  Don't You Break It Again; en Dinamarca encontramos  a la banda "Coins Sadness", increíble que Dinamarca no se queda atrás con el rock sicodelico; y por parte de Suecia tenemos a esta gran banda "T.Boones" con  What A Feeling o "The Playmates" con  Something s got a hold on me.
En el volumen 26 tenemos buenas entregas, esta vez tenemos a "The Mysterions" con Is it a lie, ya muy conocido del genero, la oscura Head And The Hares con "One Against The World"; mi favorita aquí es "The Playboys Of Edinburg" con Look At Me Girl; no pensé que She Has Funny cars tuviera una buena versión interpretada por "Second Coming" (The Allman Brothers Band), curiosidades que uno encuentra. Y la cruda de "The Chancellors" It's Too Late.
Y por ultimo el volumen 27 tenemos esta increíble versión de Everybody Needs Somebody To Love por "The Bad"; la oscura It's The Way She de "The Kruisers"; acetatos como I Need You Girl de "Sounds Of Sandlin" y no podía faltar grandes clásicos como Loving You Sometimes de "The Outcasts" y Makin' love de "The Dirty Shames" y I Can't See You de "The Starlites".
Espero que disfruten esta gran entrega y nos veremos el próximo mes para la ultima entrega esta vez con los volúmenes 28 a 36, saludos y gracias por los comentarios.

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 19

1 TASMANIANS - Love, Love, Love (Fl 1967)
2 THE HEADSTONES - Wish She Was Mine (Tx 1966)
3 THE KNIGHT RIDERS - I Don't Know (Ca 1965)
4 THE APOSTLES - I'm A Lucky Guy (Nj 1967)
5 THE BEETHOVEN FOUR - Oh Pretty Baby (Mi 1966)
6 THE CRABS - Looking Glass (Mi 1967)
7 THE WERP´S - Shades Of Blue (Nj 1967)
8 THE EXECUTIONERS - I Want The Rain (Oh 1966)
9 LOVE SANWICH - Can't Get Right With You
10 THE GLASS THREADS - You'll Know The Pain (Tn 1967)
11 SHADES OF GREY - Fire (1967)
12 THE CHANGING TIDES - Don't Say Good-Bye (Nj 1966)
13 THE SOUL VENDORS - Get Out Of My Eye (Ca)
14 THE PICTORIAN SKIFFULS - In Awhile (Oh 1965)
15 THE SINNERS - You Don't Love Me (Ca 1965)
17 THE UNKNOWN KIND - Since You've Come Back (Oh 1967)
18 THE ABSTRACTS - Smell Of Incense (Ca 1968)
19 BUCKINGHAMS - Don't Want To Cry (Il 1966)
20 THE EXOTICS - Fire Engine Red (Tx 1966)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 20 (Moody Side Pt. 4)

1 THE CORDS - Too Late To Kiss You Now (Tx)
2 THE REASONS WHY - Same Old Worries (Ny 1967)
3 THE REVOLVERS - Like Me (Tx 1967)
4 THE LIVING CHILDREN - Now It´ S Over (Ca 1968)
5 MAIL ORDER - The Things Before Me (Oh 1968)
6 NEAL FORD & THE FANATICS - I Have Thoughts Of You (Tx 1967)
7 FEMALE SPECIES - Tale Of My Lost Love (Ca 1966)
8 THE MISSING LYNX - Hang Around (Tn 1967)
9 THE BARRACUDAS - Realize (Me 1966)
10 THE NOMADS - Time Remains (La 1966)
11 COLE & THE EMBERS - Love Won't Hurt You (Mo 1968)
12 EVIL - I Know I'll Die (Fl 1966)
13 CREATION'S DISCIPLES - I'll Remember (Ny 1966)
14 THE FAR-A-WAY - Copper Penny (Oh 1967)
15 SAVOY'S - I'd Rather Love You (Il 1967)
16 THE HAYZE - You Would Say To Me
17 THE SHAMBLES - I Just Think Of You (Oh 1967)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 21

2 THE CHAINS - Aint  Gonna Eat Out My Heart Anymore (Tx 1967)
3 THE OUTCRY - Can't You Hear (My Heartbeat) (Mi 1967)
4 BLUE CONDITION - Coming Home (Il 1968)
6 THE WILD CHERRIES - Baby, Baby (Va 1966)
7 THE CHILDREN - I Long To See Her  (Ky 1968)
8 THE ROVIN' FLAMES - I'm Afraid To Go Home (Fl 1966)
9 THE DEBONAIRES - Never Mistaken (Il 1966)
10 TOMMY BURK & THE COUNTS - She Told A Lie (Tn 1964)
11 THE FABLES - I've Got The Will (Tx 1966)
12 THE SONICS - Like No Other Man (Wa 1966)
13 THE ELECTRAS - I'm Not Talkin' (Mn 1967)
14 BROTHERLY LOVERS - Was A Lie (Ny 1965)
15 BOOT HILL - Lift The Love Within You (1971)
16 THE STAFFS - Another Love (Tx 1966)
17 SOULS OF THE SLAIN - 7 And 7 Is (La 1967)
18 REASONS WHY - You Better Change Your Ways
19 THE OUTSPOKEN BLUES - Mister You're A Better Man Than I (Il 1966)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 22

1 THE CHIEFTONES - Dont Dare (Can 1968)
2 THE SENTARIANS - Don T Go (Ca 1967)
3 CLOUDY DAZE - I Told You
4 THE BEAU HAVENS - Feel So Good (Was D.C. 1966)
5 THE FINESTUFF - Big Brother (Pa1967)
6 THE PITIFUL PANICS - I Can T Get You Off Of My Mind (Nm 1965)
7 MOGEN DAVID & THE GRAPES OF WRATH - Little Girl Gone (In 1967)
8 MICHAEL & THE MEDALLIONS - I Wanna Talk To You (La 1965)
9 THE CHESSMEN - I Need You There (Tx 1965)
10 MYSTIC - I Get So Disgusted (Id 1967)
11 THE NEW BRICK WINDOW - Little Girl (Ny 1968)
12 THE RUINS - She Doesn't Understand (Nj 1967)
13 THE BOJAX - Don T Look Back (Sc 1967)
14 THE STONE CUTTERS - Fellow Slave (Ga 1966)
15 THE END RESULT - A Bird In The Hand (Ca 1966)
16 THE MERCY BOYS - The Way I Am (Wa)
17 THE YOU KNOW WHO GROUP - Roses Are Red) My Love (1964 Ny)
18 THE CHANTS - Hypnotised (Tx 1966)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 23 (European Beat Scene Pt. 4 )

1 THE MONTANAS - That's When Happiness Began  (Uk 1966)
2 HOODS - Lady Behave (Swe 1967)
3 THE VANGUARDS - Let Him Go (Den 1965)
4 NAMES AND FACES - Keep Smiling (Ned 1967)
5 THE WALKERS - All The Time (Swe 1965)
6 THE SYNDICATS - What To Do (Uk 1965)
7 THE SESSIONS - Let Me In (Uk 1965)
8 THE MODS - Don't Bring Me Down (Ned 1966)
9 THE RETREADS - Funny Things (Ger 1967)
10 THE WIZARDS - Slippin And A Slidin (Nor 1965)
11 THE JAY JAYS - I Keep Tryin' (Ned 1966)
12 THE ALLEYCATS - All The Things (Ned 1966)
13 THE GISHA BROTHERS - Maybelline   (Ger 1964))
14 SHELLY Y NUEVA GENERACION - Vestido Azul (Spa 1969)
15 PNEUMANIA - I Can See Your Face (Uk 1968)
16 LES CANDIDATES - I'll Go Now (Den 1967)
17 THE GARNETS - The Cellar Of Narcotics (Bel 1968)
18 THE SLYBOOTS - I Feel So Good (Ger 1970)
19 HANA ULRYCHOVA AND THE ATLANTIS - Don't You Break It Again (Cze 1970)
20 PAUL'S TROUBLES - You've Got Something (Uk 1966) (Bonus)
21 LOS Z-66 - Wake Me (Spa 1969) (Bonus)
22 THE COURIERS - Done Me Wrong (Uk 1965) (Bonus)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 24 (European Beat Scene Pt. 5)

1 A WILD UNCERTAINTY - Broken Truth (Uk 1966)
2 THE BLUE BIRDS - Julie (Gre 1966)
3 FIREBEATS INC. - Funny Things  (Nor 1966)
4 THE SORCERERS - With You (Ger 1966)
5 THE PLAYMATES - Something S Got A Hold On Me (Swe 1965)
6 BOOTWIGS - Outside Civilization (Swe 1966)
7 THE FOUR ROCKETS - The Place Where She Lives (Bel 1967)
8 LOS POLARES - La Droga (Spa 1966)
9 DOWNLINERS SECT - Outside (Uk 1966)
10 THE PEBBLES - You Better Believe It (Bel 1967)
11 THE MOVEMENT - Tell Her (Ire 1967)
12 LOS BRINCOs - Nadie Te Quiere Ya (Spa 1967)
13 THE SWEET FEELING - Ask Me If I M Ready (Bel 1967)
14 THE MOUNTAIN MEn - Too Many People ( (Uk 1967)
15 THE VIKINGS - I M Tryin´ (Gre 1968)
16 T. BOONES - What A Feeling  (Swe 1966)
17 LES GOTHS - Turn Over (Fra 1968)
18 THE SHAMROCKS - Cadillac (Swe 1966)
19 COINS - Sadness (Den 1968)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 25 (Obscure Moody Side Pt. 5)

1 THE INTRUDERS - Bringin' Me Down (Il 1966)
2 THE UNDERGROUND CINEMA - Where Has The Time Gone (Ma 1967)
3 THE OTHER TWO - When I Sleep (Or 1966)
4 THE BEARINGS - Anything You Want (Nc 1966)
5 THE ROADS END - When I Look At You (Ny 1966)
6 THE FABULOUS FOUR - Now You Cry (Mo 1966)
7 THE AVLONS - Mad Man's Fate (Ge 1968)
8 THE BARONS - Im The One Who Cares (Al 1966)
9 THE FOGCUTTERS - Cry Cry Cry (Co 1965)
10 THE HENCHMEN - Please Tell Me (Mi 1966)
11 THE MISFITS - Please Dont Go Away (In 1967)
12 THE GROUP - Anymore (Oh 1966)
13 THE ADVANTES - Done It Again (Pa 1966)
14 THE SOCIETY - One Way Ride (Wi 1966)
15 BRYM STONZ LTD. - Times Gone By (Tx 1967)
16 THE TABOOS - So Sad (Ny 1967)
17 THE FIVE BUCKS - Now Youre Gone (Mi 1966)
18 THE HATFIELDS - When She Returns Cha Cha (Il 1966)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 26

1 MYSTERIONS - Is It A Lie (Tx 1965)
2 THE SOCIETY - For Me (Wi 1966)
3 LOST IN SOUND - You Can Destroy My Mind (1966)
4 THE KAKS - (Leave It) In The Hands Of Love (Sc 1967)
5 THE CHALLENGERS - Fanny Mae (1965)
6 HEAD AND THE HARES - One Against The World (Ma 1966)
7 KAL DAVID & THE EXCEPTIONS - Come On Home (Il 1965)
8 M.H. ROYALS - Now She's Crying (Il 1967)
9 THE SIX PENTS - She Lied (Tx 1966)
10 DANNY BURK & THE INVADERS - Ain't Going Nowhere (Tn 1966)
11 THE DARK HORSEMEN - You Lied (Fl 1966)
12 THE PLAYBOYS OF EDINBURG - Look At Me Girl (Tx 1966)
13 EPIC FIVE - I Need Your Lovin' (Mn 1967)
14 THE MERLYNN TREE - Look In Your Mirror (Tx 1967)
15 SOUNDS OF SANDLIN - Come On Up To My World
16 SECOND COMING - She Has Funny Cars (Fl 1968)
17 THE CHANCELLORS - It's Too Late (Tx 1965)

60's Garage Rock Jewels Vol. 27

1 THE PRINCETON FIVE - Summertime Blues (Mi 1964)
2 THE BAD - Everybody Needs Somebody To Love (Tx 1965)
3 THE KRUISERS - Its The Way She (Pa 1965)
4 THE ETHICS - A Whole Lot Of Confusion (Wi 1966)
5 UNKNOWN ARTIST - Searching
6 JACKS - Wild What Do You Expect (Tn 1965)
7 THE CONQUEST - Is It Right (1968)
8 THE JESTERS OF NEWPORT - Where Have You aBeeen (Ca 1965)
9 THE FOGCUTTERS - Its My World (Co 1966)
10 THE TREASURES - Valley Of The Broken Hearts (Nd 1964)
11 THE STARLITES - I Cant See You (Pa 1966)
12 THE STUMBLIN´ BLOX - Its Alright (Tx 1966)
13 THE LOST SOLES - Do You Remember (Vi)
14 THE SHADY DAZE - Ill Make You Pay (Il 1967)
15 THE BARONS - Come To Me (Tx 1967)
16 THE COMBENASHUNS - Whatcha Gonna Do (Pa 1966)
17 THE DIRTY SHAMES - Makin Love (Ca 1966)
18 THE LIME - Soul Kitchen (Oh 1967)
19 THE OUTCASTS - Loving You Sometimes (Ky 1968)
20 SOUNDS OF SANDLIN - I Need You Girl

Ya solo faltan unas canciones de degustación, y he escogido las que Brayan ha comentado mas positivamente, que además coinciden con bastantes de mis favoritas:
The Electras - I'm Not Talkin' (Mn 1967)     
The Headstones - Wish She Was Mine (Tx 1966)
The Montanas - That's When Happiness Began  (Uk 1966)
The Chessmen - I Need You There (Tx 1965)

Nada mas, ya tenéis faena para la semana, pero el ser volúmenes generalmente cortos, se escuchan rápidamente.
También recomendaros su canal de YouTube, donde encontraréis infinidad de interesantes trabajos.
Hasta la semana próxima que toca "Tommentón"

Se agradecen los comentarios

miércoles, 13 de julio de 2022

V.A. More Dutch Nuggets 1963-1969, Compiled by Rob Kopp of Platenclub Utrecht

Pues nuevo trabajo de nuestro ya habitual amigo Rob Kopp, por lo que la calidad ya queda garantizada antes de empezar, y es que he conocido a poca gente con el gran criterio que tiene Bob y la gran minuciosidad con la que prepara todos sus trabajos, y si a todo ello añadimos que es un verdadero experto en la música neerlandesa, el éxito está asegurado.
Recuerdo hace unos años cuando surgió en este blog la sana polémica de que otro país acompañaba a Estados Unidos y Reino Unido en la supremacía mundial en los años sesenta, se barajaban varios países, como Canadá, Australia, Alemania o Paises Bajos, y cado uno de nosotros expresábamos nuestra opinión.
Pero fue la publicación de su "60 Dutch Nuggets", lo que a muchos, entre los que me incluyo dejó la polémica zanjada a favor de los neerlandeses, pues la selección que presentó Rob era apabullante y difícil de superar.
Pues un par de años después tenemos esta segunda parte, que aunque parece la continuación de la anterior, tiene varios aspectos que la hacen diferente, pues si bien en la primera parte, la mayoría de temas pertenecían a la era dorada del nederbeat, 1965 y 1966, en esta segunda ya encontramos bastantes cosas de 1968 y 1969, un tanto alejadas del salvajismo de los primeros años de la explosión beat, lo que la hace totalmente complementaria de la primera.
Siempre ha sido muy fácil colaborar con Rob, que se esmera hasta en el último detalle para que todo quede perfecto, por lo que yo solo tengo que juntarlo y montar la portada, que para esta ocasión le he pedido ayuda a mi viejo amigo "Vincent Van Gogh".
Pues nada mas, os dejo ya con las palabras de Rob, que os contará cosas muy interesantes:

More Dutch Nuggets is the follow-up to 60 Dutch Nuggets1964-1969 that can be found here: http://tommentonenlacuadra.blogspot.com/2020/10/va-60-dutch-nuggets-compiled-by-rob.html

Please have a look over there, so I don’t have to introduce myself againand you know how the selection process went.

Vol. 2 contains 59 songs, so we opted for More Dutch Nuggets (in stead of 60 Dutch Covers vol. 2).
I can tell you that I’m already busy with volume 3 Even More Dutch Nuggets, but that’s something for next year. So far that volume has 61 songs.

You would expect that More Dutch Nuggets at least containsall the songs that were dropped in the last minuteon 60 Dutch Nuggets, but that’s not the case. You have to wait for Even More Dutch Nuggets before you can hear ‘Down in the bottom’and ‘I despise you’by Q 65, ‘Verdronken vlinder’ by Boudewijn de Grootand ‘Too long away’ by Peggy March (& The Hunters), while ‘Doe maar net zoals ik’ by Triks & The Paramounts probably will be missing on volume 3 as well.
Just like 60 Dutch Nuggets, CD2 of More Dutch Nuggets contains the songs with a1966-feel (little songs, jangling guitars, baroque sound), while the other songs are on CD1.
All the songs on CD1 and CD2 are ordered per year and within a year in alphabetical order of the artist (family name), with one exception. The first real track on CD1 (after the instrumental intro)is Touch by The Outsiders as a tribute to José. He still doesn’t understand why that song wasn’t on 60 Dutch Nuggets, but in my opinion there were 2 better songs by that band.
When you wanted to burn CD1 of 60 Dutch Nuggets on a CDR, you had to pick the short version of track 30 with just the end, otherwise it didn’t fit. Everytime when I listen to that CDR in my car and that song starts, I’m missing the first part. So CD1 of More Dutch Nuggets also ends with Seasons by Earth & Fire, but this time the full version. When you want to burn the 2 CD’s from More Dutch Nuggets on CDR’s, you have to select 0 seconds between the songs, otherwise it doesn’t fit.
I hope you will enjoy volume 2 More Dutch Nuggets just as much as volume 1 60 Dutch Nuggets, and until next year for volume 3 Even More Dutch Nuggets.

I dropped Testament by Boudewijn de Groot on 60 Dutch Nuggets, but decided to include it on More Dutch Nuggets anyway, because it’s my favorite song in Dutch ever. Here is the Dutch text, so you can get an idea of the pronounciation of our language, and the English translation, so you can judge for yourself if the song text is that good as I say it is.
Na tweeëntwintig jaren in dit leven
Maak ik het testament op van mijn jeugd
Niet dat ik geld of goed heb weg te geven
Voor slimme jongen heb ik nooit gedeugd
Maar ik heb nog wel wat mooie idealen
Goed van snit, hoewel ze uit de mode zijn
Wie ze hebben wil, die mag ze komen halen
Vooral jonge mensen vinden ze nog fijn

Aan mijn broertje, dat zo graag wil gaan studeren
Laat ik met plezier 't adres na van mijn kroeg
Waar ik teveel dronk om een vrouw te imponeren
En daarna de klappen kreeg waarom ik vroeg
En dan heb ik nog een stuk of wat vriendinnen
Die welopgevoed en zeer verstandig zijn
En waarmee je dus geen donder kunt beginnen
Maar misschien krijgt iemand anders ze wel klein

Voor mijn neefje zijn mijn onvervulde wensen
Wel wat kinderlijk, maar ach, ze zijn zo diep
Ik behoorde immer tot die groep van mensen
Voor wie 't geluk toch altijd harder liep
Aan mijn vrienden laat ik gaarne het vermogen
Om verliefd te worden op een meisjeslach
Zelf ben ik helaas een keer teveel bedrogen
Maar wie het eens proberen wil die mag

Mijn vriendinnetje, ik laat jou alle nachten
Dat ik tranen om jouw ontrouw heb gestort
Maar onthoud dit wel, ik zal geduldig wachten
Tot ik lach, omdat jij ook belazerd wordt
En de leraar die mij altijd placht te dreigen
"Jongen, jij komt nog op het verkeerde pad"
Kan tevreden zijn en hoeft niets meer te krijgen
Dat wil zeggen: hij heeft toch gelijk gehad

Voor mijn ouders is het album met de plaatjes
Die zo vals getuigen van een blijde jeugd
Maar ze tonen niet de zouteloze praatjes
Die een kind opvoeden in eer en deugd
En verder krijgen ze alle dwaze dingen terug
Die ze mij teveel geleerd hebben die tijd
Ze kunnen mij tenslotte ook niet dwingen
Groot te worden zonder diepe rouw en spijt

En dan heb ik ook nog enkele goede vrienden
Maar die hebben al genoeg van mij gehad
Dus ik gun ze nu het loon dat ze verdienden
Alle drank, die ze van mij hebben gejat
Verder niets, er zijn alleen nog een paar dingen
Die ik houd, omdat geen mens er iets aan heeft
Dat zijn mijn goede jeugdherinneringen
Die neem je mee zolang je verder leeft
I'm twenty-two years old now, so I'm making
A will, a testament about my youth
I don't have goods or money though to offer
'Cause a smart guy for sure I've never been
But I still have some ideals that are quite charming
Well designed, although they are old-fashioned now
If you want them, you can pick them up for nothing
And especially young people like them still

To my brother, who would like to go to college
I will gladly leave the adress of my pub
Where I drank too much to impress one of the women
And I got the slaps that I was asking for
Further more I have some female friends and they are
So well-mannered and respectable and smart
That no man will get a chance to even date them
But perhaps will someone manage to succeed

For my nephew are my unfulfilled desires
All those wishes that are infantile but deep
Looking back, I've always been one of those people
Who chased, but couldn't capture happiness
To my friends I gladly leave behind the talent
To fall instantly in love with just a smile
I myself I have been cheated once too many
But if you like to try it, just feel free

And my girlfriend, I will leave you all those dark nights
I've been crying about your unfaithfulness
But remember this, I'm patiently still waiting
Till I laugh, because you're also cheated on
And the teacher who my whole youth long has warned me:
"Boy, I know one day you will take the wrong turn"
Can be satisfied, there's nothing more to give him
I mean, I will give him this much: he was right

And my parents get the photo-album, all the
Pictures that do lie about a happy youth
They don't show the dull and uninspired lectures
Teaching honour and virtue to a child
And further more I will give back all the foolishness
That they taught me quite unnecessary those years
And after all, my parents cannot force me
To grow up without deep sorrow and regrets

Last of all I have a few good friends, close buddies
But I think they got enough from me so far
So they get the wages that they earned, their payment
All the booze and liquor that they've snatched from me
Nothing else, I only have just a few items
That I'll keep, they have no use for someone else
Some childhood memories, beloved and precious
I'll keep them close as long as I shall live

 (After each song you can see the number of the single, the side, the year of releaseand the number of stars in my iTunes Library: ** or *** or **** or *****)

CD 1:

01 The Pacifics – Bust out (1B = 1st single b-side1963 ***)                                                                                                                              Den Haag. This is an edited version (1:30) to make sure that CD1 can be burnt on a CDR (<80 minutes).Radio program “Dwars door de 60’s” of my brother-in-law GertjanLogtenberg always starts with a fragment of the original by The Busters. https://www.rtvnunspeet.nl/gemist/serie/1284-dwars-door-the-60s
02 The Outsiders – Touch (5A 1966 ****)                                                                                                                                      Amsterdam. One of the big 4 (the other 3 are from Den Haag: Golden Earrings, Motions, Q65) who have 2 tracks on this compilation. José’s favorite by the band andpopular amongst neo garage bands. It was covered by The Lyres with Wally Tax (singer of The Outsiders) (1988), The Thanes (1988) and The Bristols(1999).
03 Pee White & The Specials – Balla balla (4A 1965 **)                      
Den Haag. No. 7 in Phil Smee's Freakbeat Top 50. They made more freakbeat covers, like the b-side I’m a king bee * and the 2 sides of the 3rd single (I can’t get no) Satisfaction * and Wooly bully *. Joop Roelofs, later guitar player in Q 65, was president of their fanclub.
04 Armand – Want er is niemand (1A 1966 ****)                                 
Eindhoven. First released as En nou ik (see the sleeve to the right), but with the second pressing this was changed to Want er is niemand (Because there is nobody). His 2nd single Ben ik te min ** (Am I too less) is regarded as a classic in NL

05 The Counsellors – I’ll be your man (1A 1966 **)                                                                                                                          Eindhoven.They only had 1 single. Style: Pretty Things.
06 The Fallouts – De vlieg (1A 1966 **)                                                                                                                                           
Valkenswaard (South of Eindhoven). Song title: The Fly. First lines: “I want a fly for breakfast, I want a fly now and then, a horse fly, a banana fly, a cadaver fly”. Enjoy your dinner. 60 Dutch Nuggets contains an alternate take of the a-side of their 2nd single I’m sick of living ***. No surprise when you’re eating flies.
07 John Hatton &The Devotions – I’mgonna stay (3A 1966 **)    

Zaandam (North of Amsterdam). Fuzz. John Hatton co-wrote Iekk! I’m a … freak *** by Adjéèf The Poet that was on 60 Dutch Nuggets.                                                                                  
08 The Humbugs – Go on home, little girl (1A 1966 ***)                          
Almelo in province of Overijssel.A little bit time ***, the b-side of their only single, was on 60 Dutch Nuggets.

09 James Mean – Seeing her (VA-LP 1966 **)

This band (and not a singer) from Amsterdam was formed when The Mads split into two bands (the other half formed Het). Track from VA-LP Beat Behind The Dikes.

10 The Jay-Jays – Come back if you dare (3A 1966 **)

Den Haag.When Hans van Eyk (not to be confused with Hans van Eijck of The Tee Set and After Tea) left the Jumping Jewels on new years eve ‘65, the others continued with the abbreviation Jay-Jays.

11 José (& Fullhouse) – Als je alle kranten leest (1A 1966 ***)

José den Burger comes from Helmond (East of Eindhoven), Fullhouse from Utrecht. Song title: When you read all the news papers. José is the girl on the cover of the 1st edition of book+CD Beatmeisjes (Beat girls). A.k.a. Josina Burgess http://www.josina.eu
12 The Motions – Everything (that’s mine) (6B 1966 ***)

Den Haag. No. 12 in Phil Smee's Freakbeat Top 50. The single was recorded in London (the sleeve shows the band in front of the Big Ben) and produced by Scott Walker and John Stewart of The Walker Brothers, who covered the Motions song My love is growing on the b-side of (Baby) You don’t have to tell me.
13 Outsiders – Thinking about today (3A 1966 ***)

Amsterdam.Lying all the time *****, the b-side of this 3rd single, was on 60 Dutch Nuggets, so for me this is their best single. You must have seen the clip of the a-side at least one time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UjPFT2CCIrc

14 Q 65 – The life I live (2A 1966 *****)

Den Haag. To promote their 2ndsingle, Q 65 intended to cross the North Sea in a small rubber boat, but the sea was too wild, so they only sailed at the start in London and at the end in Scheveningen.
15 Softs – Paarse broek (1B 1966 ***)

Amsterdam. Song title: Purple trousers.Kassie kijken ****, the a-side of their only single, was on 60 Dutch Nuggets. Joan McGallygan was announced as 2nd single, but it remained unreleased (PLUT would gladly release it!). In 1967 Jean McKellygan (the correct title) was released by Roek Williams & His Fighting Cats.
16 The Want Group – Glory, lovely girl (1B 1966 **)

Hoogeveen in province of Drenthe. They only had 1 single (200 or 300 copies). In 1999 Op Art released a bootleg on yellow vinyl.
17 Crazy Casey – Comin’ home baby (LP 1967 ****)

Den Haag. Track from LP The beats And I (1967) that became popular as tune of the Tom Collins Show on Radio Veronica, so it was released on a 7” (1971) by Casey And His Group.
18 The Driftin’ Five (D5) – Hard headed baby (5B 1967 **)

Utrecht. When Georgie Davis became their singer on their 5th single, the Driftin’ Five also used the name D5.

19 The Gunners – Television (1A 1967 ***)

Eindhoven. One of the 3 songs on this compilation that had their first release on our very ownlabel PLUT (after Platenclub Utrecht).The original tape dates from 19dec67, PLUT 014 was released in 2021. Here you can find all our records: https://pwedding.home.xs4all.nl/plut/records/records.htm
20 Nou & - Like my dear cigarette (1A 1967 **)

Leiden (North East of Den Haag).The band name is pronounced asNou en!? = Now and!? = So what!?. They only had 1 single.

21 Short ’66 – Ev’ry moment (4A 1967 **)

Amsterdam. The song is written by John B. van Setten, the manager of The Outsiders. The Outsiders-song Ballad of John B. * is about him.
22 The Inn-Sect – Let me tell you about the things I need (1A 1968 **)

Rozenburg-Maassluis (West of Rotterdam).Fuzz. They only had 1 single. It’s one of the rarest Nederbeat singles. In 2011 a repro was released (200 copies), so watch out when you’re looking for an original single.
23 Het Lowland Trio – Goeiemorgen (4B 1968 **)

Alkmaar in province of Noord-Holland. Song title: Good morning. This excellent beat song was written by Peter Koelewijn (of Peter & Zijn Rockets).

24 De Maskers – Death!!! (13B 1968 ***)

Amsterdam.The a-side Heat wave ** is an almost unrecognizable cover of the original Love is like a heat wave by Martha Reeves & The Vandellas.

25 Shocking Blue – Send me a postcard (3A 1968 ***)

Den Haag.The first single with Mariska Veres. The next one Long and lonesome road **** is on 60 Dutch Nuggets. For me both are better than Venus **, the most famous Dutch hit record ever. It reached #1 in a lot of countries, but not in The Netherlands (#3 in 1969 and1970, after it had become an international hit).

26 The Whiskers– Morning dew (3A 1968 **)

Haarlem (West of Amsterdam). Uncredited vocals by beatgirl Linda van Dyck.
The a-side (the original is by Bonnie Dobson) is their best song, the b-side their worst.
27 Zen – Hair (4A 1968 ***)

Amsterdam. By far the best cover of the title track of the famous musical Hair. It was the only real Nederbeat single that got to #1 in NL (You don’t call the other one Dong dong diki digi dong by The Golden Earrings Nederbeat, do you?).
28 The Zipps – The singer was stoned (VA-CD 1968 **)

Dordrecht (South West of Rotterdam). This scheduled single in May 1968 wasn’t released before 2009 on the VA-CD Dordt Hits Back with groups from Dordrecht.

29 George Baker Selection – Little green bag (1A 1969 ***)

Zaandam (North of Amsterdam). In 1992 intro of Quentin Tarantino’s film Reservoir dogs.

30 Earth & Fire – Seasons (1A 1969 ****)

Den Haag. Written by George Kooymans (of The Golden Earrings). On his last CD Mirage (2022, with Frank Carillo)he released his own version as a bonus track.

CD 2

01 The Cavaliers – Wait a minute (2A 1965 **)

Eindhoven. They had 3 singles. The second single has no picture sleeve.

02 The Motions – Love won’t stop (4A 1965 ***)

Den Haag. Their first LP Introduction To The Motions (1965) is a must have.

03 The Beatnicks – Can’t be sad about it (2A 1966 **)

Ede-Wageningen (West of Arnhem). First I had selected Wouldn’t you like to know by The Beatniks (without a c) as well, but it’s the same band, so that song has to wait until Even More Dutch Nuggets.

04 The Flingelbunts – Lonely me (EP 1966 **)

Den Haag. The acetate on GTB dates from 1966, PLUT 013 was released in 2020. When this guitar lick sounds familiar to you, you probably also know Tell me when it’s over by The Dream Syndicate.

05 The Fun Of It – Drollery (1A 1966 **)

Den Haag. Before this first single they had an acetate on the famous GTB label: A sailor has to go / When it’s time to leave you.

06 Boudewijn de Groot – Testament (LP 1966 *****)

Haarlem. Track with the best Dutch text ever (see the Dutch and English song texts). In 1967 it was also released on the b-side of Het land van Maas en Waal. Lyrics by Lennaert Nijgh, music by Boudewijn de Groot, orchestra by Bert Paige.

07 The Jets – I was so glad (5B 1966 **)

Utrecht.The a-side Pied piper * was their biggest hit. The Jets accompanied a lot of artists on their records.

08 Peps – Foolish day (1A 1966 **)

Alkmaar in province of Noord-Holland.They only had 1 single.

09 René & His Alligators – Quite a of things (can happen in a single day) (2CD 1966 **)

Den Haag. This unreleased single Decca AT 10202 (label info 16aug ‘66) appeared in 1999 on 2CD In The Mood.The same melody was used for the 1st single of The Alligators: I feel like crying ** (1967)

10 The Sandy Coast – We’ll meet again (acetate 1966 **)

Voorburg near Den Haag. Acetate in Byrds style for their 4th single (1966). Released in 2003 on VA-LP/CD Living In The Past (19 Forgotten NederBiet Gems 1964-'67).

11 The Thunders – I’m the one you left behind (2A 1967 **)

Montfort in province of Limburg.The version you can find on You Tube is coming from theEP on Op Art. That version is missing a few notes at the start, but fortunately Hans Evers of Platenclub Utrecht could make an MP3 of his original single.

12 The Vaunts – Lonesome shepherd (acetate 1966 **)

‘s-Gravenzande near Den Haag. The acetate on GTB dates from 1966, PLUT 011 was released in 2015.

13 The Chums – She’ll marry me (1A 1967 **)

Tilburg in province of Noord-Brabant. They only had 1 single. Nice 12-string guitar, but very poor lyrics.

14 The Coopers – Didn’t I (1A 1967 **)

Zaandam (North of Amsterdam). The band is named after the car of guitar player Cees Siekerman, a mini Austin Cooper.

15 Double Dutch – Double cross (1B 1967 **)

Amsterdam. They only had 1 single.

16 Flash Call – Crying all day (1B 1967 **)

Valkenburg in province of Limburg. They only had 1 single. It’s one of the rarest Nederbeat singles. In the nineties a repro was released (photo not so high; only half way to the logo).

17 The Golden Earrings – Smoking cigarettes (8B 1967 ****)

Den Haag. In The Hague, The Golden Earrings were for the girls and The Motions were for the boys.

18 Boudewijn de Groot & Elly Nieman (LP 1967 ****)

Haarlem. Track from LP Picknick (1967), the single dates from 1968. Like Testament: lyrics Lennaert Nijgh, music Boudewijn de Groot, orchestra Bert Paige.

19 The Haigs – From now on (2A 1967 ***)

Den Haag, The Hague. After this single Barry Hay left to replace Frans Krassenburg as lead singer of The Golden Earrings.

20 Incredible – She died (1B 1967 **)

Nieuwkoop in province Zuid-Holland, West from Alphen aan den Rijn where I live.
They only had 1 single.

21 The Nameless – Life (1A 1967 **)

Waddinxveen in province of Zuid-Holland, South of Alphen aan den Rijn. They only had 1 single.

22 The Nicols – I can’t forget her (1B 1967 **)

Den Haag. Lord I’ve been thinking ***, the a-side of this 1st single, was on 60 Dutch Nuggets.

23 Q 65 – World of birds (5A 1967 ****)

Den Haag. It came to me *****, the b-side of this 5th single, was on 60 Dutch Nuggets.

24 The Symptomes – Zij liet me staan (1A 1967 **)

Dongen in province of Noord-Brabant. Song title: She left me standing there.

25 Cuby+Blizzards – Window of my eyes (11A 1968 ****)

Grolloo in province of Drenthe. Their biggest hit (#10) and regarded as a classic in The Netherlands.

26 The Rob Hoeke Rhythm & Blues Group – Drinking on my bed (7A 1968 ****)

Haarlem (West of Amsterdam). Vocals by Rob Hoeke’s brother Frans.

27 Liesbeth List & Ramses Shaffy – Pastorale (1A 1968 ****)

Amsterdam. Like Testament and Prikkebeen: lyrics Lennaert Nijgh, music Boudewijn de Groot, orchestra Bert Paige. Even More Dutch Nuggets surely will contain more records with this beautiful orchestra.

28 Ro-d-ys – Sleep, sleep, sleep (5A 1968 ***)

Oude Pekela in province of Groningen.They started as Rowdies, but because there already was a band called Rowdies in Enschede they changed their name to Ro-d-ys.

29 The Golden Earrings – Just a little bit of peace in my heart (14A 1969 ****)

Den Haag. I’ve always liked the voice of George Kooymans better than the voice of Barry Hay. Last year The Golden Earring broke up (after 59 years) because Kooymans is suffering from the disease ALS.

Para terminar unas canciones de muestra, sin duda mis favoritas de esta colección:
 The Outsiders - Touch      
Armand - Want er is niemand (En nou ik)  
Boudewijn de Groot - Testament 
The Thunders - I'm the one you left behind

También me gustaría recordar los otros trabajos de Rob publicados en este blog, todos recomendables:

Pues ya acabamos con esta estupenda colección y de nuevo agradecer a Rob su gran trabajo, y ya estamos impacientes por su tercera parte. Mientras tanto disfrutad de esta espléndida visión de la música neerlandesa de los años sesenta.

Se agradecen los comentarios