Así pues pensé en hacer una recopilación sobre ellos, pero, aparte de por vagancia, creía que sería mas efectivo si las canciones las escogieran mis buenos amigos griegos, que alguno las vivió en su época y otros, un poco a posteriori, aunque esas canciones ya forman parte de su historia.
Es muy difícil para alguien no nacido en un país captar la verdadera esencia de su música, pues solo oiríamos la música y no tendríamos en cuenta todo el entorno que la rodea y que a veces hace que un tema que para nosotros pasa inadvertivo, por mil razones puede ser un emblema del país, aunque eso solo lo aprecien sus nativos.
Contacte con mis amigos "Crazy Mama" y "Fuzzy Daddy" del blog "Boozetunes", con "Mr Gr" de "Garage Tapes" y a "Psych Spaniolos" de "PsychSpaniolos" para que aportaran sus canciones, cosa a la que accedieron con entusiasmo y este es el resultado, estas sesenta canciones griegas de los años sesenta que espero os gusten.
Os dejo ya con la presentación que han hecho de esta colección:

I remember when i was 8-9 years old, and we had the "45 Sundays", when the Sundays were sunny days and we could
enjoy the warmth of the sun, in the small yard of our house. A sweet memory of my father, with a small portable turntable and us,
kids with no worries, trying to dance under the wild tunes of an era already gone (it was already late 70's early 80's), but not totally forgotten.
This is how it all began.
Crazy Mama

In my humble opinion the above historic event affected the scene and leading it (most of the times)
to more pop directions that could pass censorship rules more easily.
But at any rate we grew up with these tunes and they're a big part of our teenage years.
And some of us decided to search for new sounds from all over the globe.
That's when we discovered rock'n'roll and beat and freakbeat and psychedelia and garage etc etc.
So much time have passed since then and the journey still continues..."
Mr Gr.

The way that songs were written by the young Greeks back then, had a unique charm and could not leave any music lover untouched.
It was the unprecedented passion and dedication, that drew the the majority of the self learned youngsters to actually learn a musical instrument in order to play the music they loved.
It was the desire of the people who lived in the same street to love, have fun and create. Children that chased their dreams often wrote songs, or most frequently covered other songs and played live when they had the chance.
I imagine them as a company, gathered around a turntable and listening to an English or American record of the time, trying to understand rhythms, chords, patterns, or writing down the lyrics without even knowing English very well.
Many hits were covered in Greek, other times interpreted in Greek with an English accent which may sound childish today, but it actually rather charming, hiding innocence inside.
After a long time, many talented musicians got to present their own compositions, that actually grew to become big hits at the time.
So in this collection that we prepared for our beloved friend Jose, we included both famous and infamous songs from that charming and unrepeatable period of time.
And we are sure that you will like it and enjoy it, just as much as we did !
Greeting to all brothers and sisters.
Fuzzy Daddy & Psych Spaniolos
CD 1
01 - Adams Boys - Mafia (1965)
02 - The Crowns - You're My Only Love (1966)
03 - The Loubogg - She Is Cool (1966)
04 - The Saints - Let Me Know (1966)
05 - The Acropole 5 - A Beautiful Girl (1968)
06 - Acropole 5 - Give Your Love (1967)
07 - The Forminx - Say You Love Me (1965)
08 - Up Tight - Mi Fevgeis (1969)
09 - The Stormies - Try Try Try (1965)
10 - The Idols - One Girl Had Told Me (1969)
11 - Ariones - Don't Ask What I Say (1967)
12 - Zoo - Six Miles From The Cage (1966)
13 - The Knacks - Devil Girl (1966)
14 - Elena & The Sover Group - Se Perimeno To Allo Kalokairi (1970)
15 - Sover Group & Makis Kalavros - Oso Pote (1969)
16 - The Olympians - O Tropos (1966)
17 - The Persons - Time Of The Season (1969)
18 - Lefteris Psilopoulos - The Dad (1968)
19 - The Blue Birds - Sweet Polly (1966)
20 - Bill & The Psychedelic Band - My Lady (1967)
CD 2
01 - The Olympians - Hopeless Endless Way (1967))
02 - The Stormies - Drums In The Storm (1966)
03 - The Loubogg - I've Just Had A Bad Time (1966)
04 - The Blue Birds - Julie (1966)
05 - Lakis Tzorntanelli - To Koritsi Tou Filou Mou (1968)
06 - The Forminx - Love Without Love (1966)
07 - The Voreioi (Enrico Pianori - Armando Cacini) - To Tzini (1967)
08 - We Five - A Boy Like Me (1966)
09 - Tammy & The Sounds - Story Of A Tramp (1967)
10 - Pacifics - Another Chance (1966)
11 - The Persons - All The World Is Mine (1966)
12 - The Rapishes - Untitled Song (1969)
13 - Shooting Stars - Don't Have Faith In Me (1968)
14 - The Charms - See You On Sunday (1966)
15 - The Juniors - Miss Blue Jeans (1966)
16 - Anthoula & The Flayers - To Fegari (1969)
17 - George Romanos - Marina (1968)
18 - Riddles - I Tell You A Story Of My Life (1966)
19 - The Idols - Ena Koritsi Mou'he Pei (1969)
20 - Adams Boys - Dizzines (1965)
01 - Zoo - I Cry (1966)
02 - The Mariners - Ship Of Happiness (1967)
03 - Vilma Lado & V. Papathanassiou Orch. - Une Etoile (1967)
04 - The Sounds - To Mathima (1967)
05 - Nelli Manou - Crazy Girl (1967)
06 - Errika & Margarita Broyer - Little Kiss (1966)
07 - The Vikings - Everything Is All Right (1966)
08 - The Juniors - Let Me In (1966)
09 - The Knacks - With A Little Help From My Friends (1967)
10 - Gus And George - Always With You (1967)
11 - Mery Alexopoulou - Ti Chara (1967)
12 - The Girls - Rocket For Girls (1966)
13 - Guidone - For Your Love (1965)
14 - The Playboys - Pourquoi (1966)
15 - The Air Boys - I Feel Alone (1967)
16 - The Flayers - The Night (1968)
17 - Alba, Aris & The Olympics - Sti Mama Tha To Po (1968)
18 - The Charms - I'm Coming Back (1966)
19 - The Olympians - To Sxoleio (1966)
20 - Steve Grecos - Daekness (1969)
Pues esto ha sido esta colección, que seguro os va a sorprender, pues está llena de grandes canciones como comprobareis.
Ya solo me resta agradecer de nuevo a mis amigos Crazy Mama, Fuzzy Daddy, Mr. Gr y Psychspaniolos su colaboración para este proyecto. Seguro que habrá mas.
Hasta la semana próxima.
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