miércoles, 28 de octubre de 2020
V.A. Battle Of The Sides Vol. 26 (US Garage)

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2020
Tommentón En La Cuadra, Vol. 139

Al final los de Blogger han podido conmigo y he tenido que cambiar la plantilla del blog para que funcionase medianamente bien, a ver que tal. Me daba pena, pues le tenía apego a la vieja, y he hecho, y ésta basada en la anterior. Desde que en junio actualizaron Blogger, a todo nos da muchísimos problemas, y me pregunto yo, que hoy estoy filosófico, ¿por que todos los cambios son a peor? En fin, resignación.
"The Wheels" con su "Red Block", siguen demostrando por que son la segunda banda irlandesa. Puro R´n´b a todo trapo.
Nada mas, os dejo con el track list que ya me he liado mas de la cuenta.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020
V.A. 60 Dutch Nuggets, Compiled by Rob Kopp of Platenclub Utrecht

Please allow me to introduce myself. I’m Rob Kopp, one of the members of Platenclub Utrecht, a club of friends around Utrecht who are not only collecting records, but who are also releasing them on our own PLUT label. All our records contain previously unreleased Nederbeat from the 60’s. So far we have released vinyl singles and EP’s (always 500 copies) by The Rhythms, Peter & The Blizzards, Group $oall, The Zipps, The Golden Earrings (not to be found), Don Devil & The Drifters, The Needles, The Stylets, Les Mystères (feat. Mariska Veres), The Wo?w, The Vaunts and The Fallouts. Our next record PLUT 013, an EP by The Flingelbunts, will be released in November.
I’m also a big Kinks fan and responsible for the list of more than 10.000 Kinks covers on kindakinks.net/discography/kinkskovers.php. After 2 books ‘Down all the days (till 1992)’about The Kinks and ‘Take him for what he’s worth’ about American singer songwriter P.F. Sloan, I compiled PLATENBOEK, a pop encyclopaedia of more than 1000 pages in 3 volumesabout Dutch popmusic in the 50’s and 60’s. Volume 1 and 2 (the green book and the red book) were published in 2011, volume 3 (the yellow book) in 2016. They’re generally considered to be THE successor of pop encyclopaedia NEDERPOP from 1982.
José didn’t know about the Platenclub Utrecht and PLATENBOEK when he asked me if I wanted to compile ‘60 Dutch Nuggets’, the fifth countryin his series ‘60 Nuggets’ after Spain, Greece, Argentina and France, but I think he picked the right person :-) At the moment I’m busy with volume 4 (the purple book) about the 60’s after the 60’s, with bands from after the 60’s (1970-2020) who are influenced by the 60’s (Kliek, Kek ‘66, Kik and all the records on the KELT label, just to name a couple of K-entry’s), but it will take a couple of years before I’m ready. Meanwhile PLUT-member Hans Evers has compiled HOEZENBOEK, two books (the blue book and the orange book) with several series of Dutch sleeves. For more info see www.platenclubutrecht.nl.
After this introduction, let’s have a look at ‘60 Dutch Nuggets’.
How do you pick only 60 songs out of thousands of candidates? I have all the songs from The Netherlandsthat were recorded in the 60’s (country code = NL and year < 1970) that I like,and that’s purely a matter of taste, in iTunes. That are 1.234 songs. I hadgraded all thosesongs with 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 stars: 848 *, 282 **, 53 ***, 38 **** and13 *****. That leaves 104 records with 3 or more stars. I decided that every artist could only have 1 song on ‘60 Dutch Nuggets’, but the big 4 Golden Earrings, Motions, Outsiders and Q65 could have 2 songs. In that way 36 songs fell off, including 10 songs that otherwise would have reached the final 60: 3 songs with 5 stars (Cuby + Blizzards – Window of my eyes and Q65 - The life I live + Down in the bottom) and 7 songs with 4 stars (Golden Earrings: Smoking cigarettes + Just a little bit of piece in my heart, Boudewijn de Groot: Verdronken vlinder, Rob Hoeke R&B Group – Drinking on my bed, Outsiders – Touch and Q65 – I despise you + World of birds). So Q65 had 6 songs with 4 or 5 stars, but ‘60 Dutch Nuggets’ only contains 2 of them. Still having 68 songs, I decided to drop 5 songs in Dutch where the song text is more important than the music, 2 instrumentals and 1 song by an American singer who recorded that song with Dutch band The Hunters. In case you like to listen to these 8 songs anyway:Armand – Want er is niemand ****, Boudewijn de Groot – Testament *****, Boudewijn de Groot & Elly Nieman – Prikkebeen ****, José – Als jeallekrantenleest ***, LiesbethList & Ramses Shaffy – Pastorale ****, Crazy Casey – Comin’ home baby ****, Pacifics –Bust out *** and Peggy March – Too long away ***. Finally having 60 songs, I decided to consult the other members of Platenclub Utrecht. From their numerous suggestions (how on earth can you forget that one!) I picked The Stylets – Come to me and The Sound Magics – Don’t you remember and dropped Triks & The Paramounts – Doe maar net zoals ik (another song sung in Dutch) and The Peps – Foolish day.
I decided to put the 30 songs that had the biggest 1966-feel for me (jangling guitars, baroquesound) on CD2 and the other 30 on CD1.All the songs on CD1 and CD2 are ordered per year and within a year in alphabetical order of the artist (family name), with a few exceptions. On CD1 track 1 is the worst song on this compilation (so we have had that one right away), track 2is the first song that reached the Top 40 and tracks 29 and 30 are turned around (CD1 is just too long for a CD, so when you like to burn CD1, you have to take the short version of track 30 with just the end). CD2 starts with my personal favourite (and of blog owner José!).
miércoles, 7 de octubre de 2020
Viejo Zapato Marrón Visita Tommentón En La Cuadra: V.A. En Busca De La Belleza Vol. 5

Hola de nuevo a toda la legión de seguidores de Tommentón En La Cuadra. Siempre es un placer venir de visita a esta casa, y más aún cuando se tiene el honor de volver de nuevo como blog invitado para presentaros este quinto volumen de la colección "En Busca De La Belleza", que como todos sabéis se trata de un intercambio de entradas entre nuestros respectivos blogs.